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One of those Fridays where I could do with a fun, sexy, funny plot twist……shut up I know you thought of a man hahaha! I actually don’t know what that looks like! Maybe sitting in a pub reading my book people watching with a crisp glass of wine and someone I know walks in and it’s sooooo nice to see them, you know. Or loosing myself to the rhythm looking into to my mates eyes with pure love and happiness! Again, I don’t know. But I’m at the gym laying on a matt writing this, I’m happy. I feel good for being here but like….. it doesn’t feel like living! Today anyways. Its ridiculous, I’m ridiulous. It’s made me feel like I need to start getting pre work out for my Fridays to get through winter gym sessions. Any recommendations on good healthy pre workouts LET ME KNOW. Maybe I need to turn off this Drum and Base.


Big love T

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Writer's pictureTillie

How has 2024 been for?

Its been bloody rough but so fucking beautiful for me, very balanced with total heartbreak and joy, I've struggled but thrived. I am learning that i really am the definition of Chaos and Balance, the way i feel so deeply for the world and people i don't know is... well ridiculous and impossible to change! The way i feel for my peoples is very just delicious. I've learnt that in order to live with my empathy i have to be free, free to be nothing but my true self, i have always known it to be a blessing to feel this much, but i sure do have days where i wish i could turn it the fuck off. But that's where being free to do what i need to do keep sane from being well.... ME! hahaa - it is important.

So, beautiful human reading this.....if you feel like you might be like me break the fragile glass around you honey YOU ARE STRONG, start doing things you love more and when i say more i mean SO MUCH MORE, only say sorry when your supposed to. Tell people to fuck off! dance, paint, scream, say no, read, whatever is your thang make it a priority so you don't sink in to deep in to the chaos. Caring and loving isn't a curse its a gift and the world needs more of it, loooove the way you approach the world and your life and people. You are fresh air darling.

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