I’ll be back to blogging more soon! But i just need to say this and have it on my feed!
My friendships are so healthy and beautiful right now, the women I have in my life are sooo kind and supportive and SEE ME for me! I haven’t had this before. YES I’ve had great friendships… i have & I’ve loved every single one of them, but this time round I feel like I’ve found my forevers and I’m attracting so much better for myself. It’s bloody delicious! And I’m so fucking grateful!
Also… meeting human beings I don’t know, the people watching I’ve been doing and even my social media recently has been putting my faith back into humanity. I’d say ever since we came out of lockdown the past 4 months there’s been a HUGE shift of energy and I truly believe LOVE ALWAYS WINS! Always. It’s soooo refreshing, so uplifting and so bloody needed. I wonder if anyone else feels the same?