So have a picture of me. I am soooo excited for the weekend to land already L.O.L only because I want to do a FAT BLOG POST, I want to bla bla bla blaaaaaa it all out! I’m going to try this month/ maybe this weekend venturing out on my own again, I’ve been craving it for some time now which is getting irritating because something keeps holding me back… I think it’s doing it alone which is a little odd for me, but hey I’m human. I fancy celebrating me and my little achievements I’ve had this week! Anyways I’m thinking as It is absolutely blitzzzz outside, a cosy pub sat next to a gawjus fire with a glass of red & my book. I’m going to walk in and say show me to the most cosiest part of your pub please sir! Owww the vision feels good, or I might go to a coffee shop and then cinema in the evening. Who knows!
I got some really beautiful compliments today on how natural I am, and they got a very hard THANKS because I was grateful for them.
BLA BLA BLAAA post will be posted Sunday!
I hope January is treating you well, I really do!
Nothing but Love, T x